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Network Marketing Training

Author:     source:     Datetime: 2016-01-11 16:26:33

Our sales department participated a Network Marketing Training which held by a famous local internet technology company on Dec 18, 2016 . 

The speaker Mr Zhang was so humorous & sophisticated on this aspect that all of our sales benefited a lot about the Network Marketing skills from this training, such as how to attract more related followers on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google Plus, Twitter, Youtube & how to manage a company official account etc. 

At the training spot,  every participant was focus on Mr Zhang’s sharing.

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Here were our sport armband sales representatives at the training!

We believed they learned a lot from this training by judging their lovely smile!

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At the same time, our colleagues also shared their own experiences & problems when they promoted our sport armband case for iPhone 6/elastic velcro sport armband/waterproof sport armbag, etc. And they got some useful & professional advice from Mr Zhang and other participants.

Below are 3  representatives from our sport armband factory from left to right:  Karen, Manny & Bella

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Want to join them and know more about our sport armband case for smartphones ? Write to: info@sport-armband-factory.com