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Marketing training - How to increase the custom satisfaction

Author:     source:     Datetime: 2016-04-13 15:20:49

Our armband factory organized a internal customer service training for our sales team on Apr 18, 2016.Our colleague Mrs. Rainbow share 3 points to increase the custom satisfaction, and minimize the complaint.

  • it is important to offer the customer all the detail product info when a business decision making. For example, when client send an inquiry about the armband, we also need to offer all the detail info such as the different packaging way, the standard color swatch except only reply the client’s questions. It will make client feel so breezily to do business with you. And more data offer kindly of like a free product training, it will help alleviate customer frustration and win a life-long customer.

  • Lower customer expectations. It is a common mistake to setting the expectations too high, sometimes the sales offer the ridiculous promises to clients just want to make a deal done. But this is easy to killing client’s satisfaction . So here Mrs. Rainbow recommend to under promising and set the over delivering. Such as , usually the delivery time of our LED running belt about 15 days, but we will telling customer about 20days, I think there is no better feeling than customer to have the delivery time in advance.

  • Justify the client’s title with some social platform You know that our client may be with another title, “ boss” “ purchasing manager” “retailer”, so it will help to the business go more smoothly if we can know the client better so that we can figure out how to improve the customer satisfaction.

Any comment would like to share with us about this topic, please write us mail via: : info@sport-armband-factory.com
