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Author:     source:     Datetime: 2016-06-10 18:51:51

The main question I am wonder all the time is what is it I do to train for my Races. Depending on what type of Race you are doing; weather it is an Obstacle Course Race, Half Marathon, or a 5K, the key to remember is how you prepare your training plan doesn’t change no matter what the distance is. If it is your first Race that is a different story, and something I will cover in my next Blog Post, but over the years I have learned that the key to any race is to prepare for the course more than the distance. For example, when I was preparing for The OCR World Championships in Ohio I had to focus my training on climbing more than speed as the course was very technical. Knowing what type of terrain you will be running is key to adjust your training plan to fit the Race at hand. Below are some tips and tricks on just how to prepare leading into race week.


I often get asked a lot of questions after running a marathon. Questions such as Did you win? How long was the race? Did you finish in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place? What happens when you have to use the bathroom? But one question that has me thinking every time is, what do you think about, so you can keep on running and not call it quits in the middle of the race. How do you stay focused and in the zone? For every marathon I have a different experience and yes I often hit the wall, where I want to just call it quits. But somehow I never do or haven’t. I guess I have it ingrained in me that what I start I must finish, unless I’m injured or seriously hurt, but as long as my legs are working, I will keep on moving.