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Common Workout Injuries and How to Avoid Them 2

Author:     source:     Datetime: 2016-05-18 17:35:08

Stress Fractures

These tiny, hairline fractures are usually the result of too much too soon or repetitive jumping in one place, says Luga Podesta, M.D. The majority of stress fractures occur in the bones of the foot, heel or shin. Pain around the site of the fracture that worsens with exercising, standing or walking is a symptom of a stress fracture. The area may also swell. Sports like track and field, basketball, tennis and gymnastics also increase the risk of stress fractures -- as does osteoporosis. If left untreated, a stress fracture may not heal properly and can lead to chronic pain.

HOW TO STAY SAFE: Start new exercise programs slowly and progress gradually. Try to progress by no more than five to 10 percent in exercise volume each week, says John P. Higgins, M.D., director of exercise physiology at Memorial Hermann at the Texas Medical Center. “For example, if you are jogging 10 miles a week, don’t do more than 11 miles the next week. If you are doing 10 reps of 50-pound biceps curls this week, next week do 11 reps of 50 or 10 reps of 55 pounds.” Cross-training by mixing up activities can also help.

IT Band Syndrome

An overuse injury common in runners and cyclists, iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) occurs when the IT band, a ligament that runs along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin, becomes tight and inflamed. This can also occur in runners who wear worn-out shoes, run on uneven or banked surfaces, run downhill, do the same run in the same direction too many times or simply from overuse as a result of running too many miles. In cyclists, ITBS can occur from muscular imbalances from using an incorrect cycling position or a saddle that is too tall.

HOW TO STAY SAFE: If you’re a cyclist, make sure the seat height is appropriate -- not too high or low -- says Trowbridge. In a cycling class, ask the instructor to help you adjust the height of the seat as well as find the right location that places your torso in an ideal position. “You want to be able to just reach the bar without feeling all bunched up,” she says. Runners should do a short walking warm-up before starting to run and make sure they replace worn-out shoes. Also, avoid running on concrete and, if you run on a track, change directions regularly.

Biceps Tendinitis

Pain in front of the shoulder and upper-arm weakness may be a sign of tendinitis, an overuse injury that typically occurs from repetitive motions, although in some instances it can happen as the result of a sudden injury to the tendon. Weightlifting, swimming, tennis and golf can all cause biceps tendinitis. Biceps tendinitis refers to the inflammation of a tendon that attaches your upper biceps muscle to the bones of the shoulder.. You’ll feel pain and tenderness in the front of the shoulder that worsens with overhead lifting. Pain may also move down the upper arm bone and you may feel an occasional snapping in the shoulder.

HOW TO STAY SAFE: Cross-train by varying your activities to avoid repetitive overhead movements, and make sure to take enough rest time between workouts. Check your posture, since poor posture increases the risk of biceps tendinitis, says Geier.

Glenoid Labrum Tear

Clicking sounds and uncomfortable catching sensations deep in the shoulder during bench presses or military (overhead shoulder) presses may be symptoms of a glenoid labrum tear, says orthopedic surgeon David Geier. “This refers to a tear in the cartilage bumper that surrounds the glenoid, the socket of the ball-and-socket joint.” Labral tears can result from overuse or a direct injury to the shoulder, such as falling and landing on an outstretched hand. An unstable shoulder that slips and dislocates can also cause a labral tear. When you injury during work out, it is also very important to go to a doctor in time, so take cell phone or Medicinal oils in the running belts is necessary.