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Common Workout Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Author:     source:     Datetime: 2016-05-17 15:05:27

 fanny packs | waist packs

In fact, a study of college athletes published in the Journal of Athletic Training shows overuse injuries account for nearly 30 percent of all injuries. Such as repetitive motions involved in sports and workout routines, such as long-distance running, swimming and rowing. Here are the most common injuries, so it is very important to carry some medicine in fanny packs. Below we gonna tell you how they can occur and tips for staying safe,

Ankle Sprain

Twisting an ankle doesn’t just happen running outdoors. Jogging on a treadmill can also result in an ankle sprain, The biggest problem running indoors on a treadmill is losing your focus and accidentally stepping half on and half off the treadmill while the belt’s still moving.” This forces you to jump off the treadmill quickly. If you land awkwardly, your ankle may roll in an unnatural direction. It’s also happen if you’re wearing new shoes and aren’t yet used to them, Running outside on uneven terrain or up and off curbs also increases the risk of an ankle sprain.

HOW TO STAY SAFE: f you run outdoors, stay on level footwalk or at a park, versus running where you have to go up and down off a curb. Look for paved, even walkways because uneven terrain and potholes can be problems. Keep in mind that parks have shared trails, so be aware of other people cycling past you, which can startle you and cause you to run up or down.


Shin Splints

Common in runners, shin splints can also develop in exercisers who participate in running sports or jumping. “It’s muscle inflammation and can occur even after just a couple of workouts,” says associate professor of kinesiology Cindy Trowbridge, Ph.D. “Plus, some people are predisposed to getting shin splints.” You’re at greatest risk of shin splints if you’ve recently increased the intensity or frequency of your workouts.

HOW TO STAY SAFE: Wearing proper shoes and gradually increasing your workout intensity (no more than 10 percent a week goes a long way toward preventing shin splints, says Trowbridge. Also avoid running or jogging right away. Slowly warm up first by doing jumping jacks to get your blood moving and your muscles warm, she says


Otator Cuff Injury

Shoulder pain when you reach behind you, overhead or out to the side may be a sign of a rotator cuff strain. “It typically results from repetitive overhead activity. Activities such as swimming or throwing a ball and overhead shoulder movements like military presses can lead to rotator cuff strains when done repeatedly over time.

HOW TO STAY SAFE: Strengthen your rotator cuff muscles as part of your upper-body program. Use good posture and avoid repetitive overhead exercises with weight that’s too heavy and lat pulldowns behind the neck.